

Where can I find details about my subscription?

You can check the status of your subscription, including when it expires, how to cancel it, and how you originally completed your purchase, here.

What do I get with my subscription?

An Abundance individual meditation subscription gives you access to the selected meditation.
A full subscription (‘Subscribe all’) gives you access to the full library of meditations in Abundance App, as well as all new features and meditations that we release while your subscription is active. You can purchase a subscription at abundanceapp.com/subscribe.

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your Abundance Apo subscription at any time. If you purchased your subscription through iTunes you will need to cancel the subscription yourself.
After cancellation your subscription will continue to the last day of your billing period e.g. end of the month for monthly and end of the year for an yearly subscription.

How often should I meditate?

That is up to you. The best advice we can give is to be consistent, once a day, for example. The more consistent and regularly you practice, the more benefits you see in your daily life and activities.

How can I contact you for help or more information?

You can send us an email at support@abundanceapp.com. We are always happy to hear from our users!